Thursday, June 9, 2011

LBL day three, maybe i'm not addicted to chocolate after all...


i was out yesterday, and had work today, so only got around to updating how i'm going with the LBL challenge.

my lil bro tried luring me to eat junk food yesterday - with the smell of original thins and that satisfying crunch from those cripsy chips. then he offered me raspberry drops, knowing i couldn't accept it. was it torture? not really, since the logical part of my brain told me that it's all gonna end by sunday...

then yesterday night, my friend gave me a block of chocolate, dark chocolate - my favourite! it felt a bit odd letting it sit inside my bag, as i waited - hungry, thirsty, and tired - for fifteen minutes for my train.

when i got home last night, there was all this delicious leftover food in the kitchen, and my starving stomach just cried out silently. again today i got home after work, and had to spend an extra quarter of an hour or so preparing my vegetable porridge when there was two perfectly cooked, well-seasoned dishes sitting on the dinner table.

it just emphasised, and brought to light again, the simple luxuries we are so fortunate to have.

ps. here's a pic of my packed LBL lunch - fried egg with diced vegies sandwich + sliced apple + carrot sticks
